Friday, June 4, 2010

Thunderbird 6/4/2010

Decided to hit Thunderbird after work, went with Phil. We checked the humps and there were no fish on them so we trolled around our usual area and I ended up catching 1 small saugeye, 2 small sandies, and 1 small crappie.

Lot of new timber in the lake due to the tornado that tore through there earlier this spring.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thunderbird 2/27/2010

Was a nice day on the water, the wind was low and it was in the mid to upper 50's. Water temp was around 41.8 degrees. I got there before Greg and looked at the humps we fish for sandbass, there was no activity on them. We bass fished for a little while with no luck and even looked at the brush for crappie with no luck there either.

We just couldn't seem to find the fish, I have no idea where they were, we didn't even see any shad anywhere. It was a tough day without a single bite but it was nice to get out on the water.